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Chad, Africa

Dono-Manga, Chad

In the sub-prefecture of Dono-Manga, Chad, we have had the opportunity to serve families in multiple capacities. We bring the light of God through education and medical attention to those in need. 

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Orphan Care

AIDS, war and lack of health care resulted in many orphans who were living on the streets of Dono-Manga, Chad. A decision was made during our first visit in 2010 to launch a program that would care for these orphans. We began with 27 orphans and are now serving over 125 orphans.


This school began with a handful of students meeting in a single thatched hut and today the enrollment is 1,330 students. Over the last few years our campus has grown from one school building with two classrooms to ten school buildings with a total of twenty classrooms. 

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Clean Water

Our work in providing clean, safe water began in 2009 by repairing 26 out-of-service wells in this area. Later that year we learned of a World Bank funded project that would drill a $10,000 well if the village could provide a 10% down payment. Thanks to our donors, over the next several months we were able to obtain wells in 33 villages. 

Jordan Health Center

This center began as a small clinic dispensing basic medication in 2010. It has since grown to a fully staffed health center with two nurses, a midwife, and nine additional staff members. Since 2012 they have treated an average of 3,000 patients each year. They also average 10 births per month thanks to our midwife.

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